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Suppliers zone

Company profile

VERKON is fully Czech owned trading company, which has belonged among the leading distributors of laboratory chemicals and complete laboratory equipment exclusively for the territory of the Czech Republic since 1996. We don´t sell abroad. 35 people are employed in the distribution at present. Many of them are recent university graduates of science or engeneering and half of them are handicapped people. Thus we fulfill one of the targets of our company to enable handicapped people to get a job and self realization.

We have been certified according to ISO 9001:2008 - Quality management system, ISO 14001:2004 - Environmental management system, OHSAS 18001:2007 - Occupational health and safety and SA 8000:2008 - Social Accountability Standard for "Distribution and sale of laboratory, technical and special equipment."

We are a partner of a wide range of organizations from the scientific research institutions, high schools and universities, industrial companies, accredited laboratories and pharmaceutical companies.

Our catalog contains tens of thousands of items in chapters

  • laboratory chemicals
  • raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry
  • consumable and disposable material for laboratory
  • cleaning and disinfecting agents for laboratory
  • laboratory glass and plastics
  • laboratory equipment
  • devices for sample preparation
  • devices for measurement and analysis of samples
  • laboratory and office furniture

Invitation for potential partners

We have been constantly trying to improve our offer and extend the range of attractive products. We have been looking for new foreign manufacturers or distributors of laboratory equipment, who seek new opportunities in the Czech Republic. If you are interested in supplying your products to the Czech market, we are here for you.

Contact us:
tel.: +420 284 810 775
e-mail: info@verkon.cz

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